I'm A Believer

Hey, hey music fans you won't believe who has come back and man what a comeback. After Levitate we would think they can't make something better. Yes you guessed it I'm talking about none other than our favorite Imagine Dragons.

That's them right there God what a band a little info on them. Imagine Dragons is an American rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada. It currently consists of lead vocalist Dan Reynolds, lead guitarist Wayne Sermon, bassist Ben McKee, and drummer Daniel Platzman. 
Members: Dan Reynolds, Daniel Wayne Sermon, more 
Genres: Alternative rock, Indie rock, Pop rock 
Awards: Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance, more

Though I'm not a big fan of Levitate, to each his own I guess. But Believer is something in its own level. Believer sounds a bit similar to their older tracks Gold and Friction. The song is all about breaking out of conformity. It shows that pain can show you the truth behind society and the world. What Dan Reynolds is trying to convey is that once you have experienced pain you stop trying to stick into society and you start making your own life. You too must stop listening to others, know that we all are masters of our own seas


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